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4 Types and Characteristics of Academic Writing

Types and characteristics of academic writing

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Types of Academic Writing descriptive analytical persuasive critical


Academic writing is one of the most difficult duties students in high school and colleges can be tasked with. Writing isn't most students' cup of hot chocolate, whether it is a research paper, a thesis, a dissertation, a coursework assignment, or any regular essay. It may be because some aren't naturally gifted writers.

Others may lack time to do it, while others procrastinate too much to pay adequate attention to the tasks that lie before them. Whatever the reasons are, professional essay help services such as ours fill a significant gap for such students, and we come in handy at the most crucial moments when all hope is lost and you are staring at a big, fat fail. 

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Read on 6 practical tips on academic writing here

Academic writing can be descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical.

  1. Descriptive writing is a type of academic writing that describes people, places, or things.

  2. Analytical writing is another form of academic writing that involves breaking down complex ideas into smaller parts to analyze them more closely.

  3. Persuasive writing is when you try to convince someone about something by presenting reasons for your argument. This can be done in different ways: through personal experience (examples), statistics, scientific research, and more.

  4. Critical thinking involves analyzing information carefully before concluding it by looking at all sides of an argument

Descriptive writing

Descriptive writing is a form of academic writing that describes something. It can express a person, place, thing, or event. When you write descriptively, the language you use must make your reader feel like they are experiencing what you're writing about. For example, if I am describing an ocean scene, I might say, "The waves crashed onto shore and then retreated again." This sentence would allow the reader to experience what it feels like to see a wave crash on the shore and then retreat again (even if they're not at an actual beach).

Analytical writing

Analytical writing is a form of academic writing that involves the analysis of data, information, and knowledge. It is a form of critical thinking and argumentation in which the writer analyzes an issue or topic and then draws conclusions based on this analysis. This type of academic writing often takes place in the context of research papers or essays, but it can also be used to evaluate any other kind of argumentative material.

Analytical papers generally follow a format similar to other forms of an academic essay. They begin with an introduction explaining what you will be discussing in your paper (the thesis), then discuss it using supporting evidence from your sources (the body) before ending with a conclusion summarizing why your position is valid (the synthesis). The difference between analytical papers and other types lies primarily in terms of scope: whereas most papers focus on one particular aspect or perspective on something like history or science, analytical papers attempt to evaluate multiple viewpoints simultaneously by discussing them altogether through comparison and contrast.

Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing convinces the reader to accept the writer's point of view. It can also be used to persuade the reader to take a particular action and adopt a specific point of view. Persuasive essays are often used as part of a debate or argument, where opposing views are presented, and each side tries to convince readers that its perspective is correct.

Persuasive essays may also be written in favor of an opinion or cause, such as when someone writes about why they support a particular political candidate. In addition, persuasive essays can be personal narratives that explore how well-known events have affected individuals' lives or worldviews.

Critical writing

Critical writing is a method of evaluating the quality of something, in this case, academic writing. It is not only used as a way to think about texts and as an activity for students but also as a way of thinking about the world. Critical approaches require students to question their beliefs and develop new ones by considering how others view the topic. Critical thinkers do this by asking questions and making connections between ideas.

Critical thinking asks questions such as:

  1. What's wrong with this argument? 

  2. How can we improve it?

  3. What are its strengths or weaknesses? 

  4. How might I change my mind if given more information or evidence? These types of questions encourage students not just to accept what they read but also help them recognize problems with their thinking so that they can learn from their mistakes while developing better ways of reasoning through complex issues or topics.


We hope this article has helped you understand the different types of academic writing and how to use them. Although there are many other ways to write for academic purposes, we've listed the most common ones here so that you can start using them today! We wish you all success in your studies!


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