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How to Success in a Job Interview: tips and questions

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"The Best 8 Websites to get Job Experience and Internship", to apply for your dream job with more job experience and confidence!

How to Success in a Job Interview: Sample Questions You don't have to memorize an answer, however take the time to think about how you're going to answer. The better you prepare, the more confident you will feel during a job interview. Furthermore, if you're not sure what to expect at an interview, take some time to read this refresher on the interview process and these tips for preparing for a great interview.

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Interview questions

1. About You The interviewers will ask you questions about yourself to learn more about your personality and determine if you are a good fit for the job and the company. These are open-ended questions that you can use to show the employer that you are well qualified for the job.

  1. Tell me about yourself.

  2. What is your greatest strength? What is your biggest weakness? What makes you unique?

  3. Tell me something that isn't on your resume.

  4. How does your greatest strength help you perform?

  5. How do you manage success?

  6. Do you consider yourself successful? Why?

  7. How do you deal with stress and pressure?

  8. How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?

  9. How do you see yourself?

  10. Who are you comparing yourself to?

  11. How does this job match your career aspirations?

  12. How many hours a week do you usually work?

  13. How well do you integrate into a new company?

  14. How would you prepare to work for a new company?

  15. How would you describe the pace at which you work?

  16. How would your colleagues describe your personality?

  17. How would a teacher describe that?

  18. Is there anything else we should know about you?

  19. What motivates you?

  20. Do you motivate yourself?

  21. What do you think are the most difficult decisions to make?

  22. What was the biggest disappointment of your life?

  23. What are you burning for hobbies?

  24. What are your favorite hobbies? What is your dream job?

  25. What's the worst thing you've ever achieved?

  26. What will you not miss about your last job?

  27. Would you rather be loved or respected?

  28. Why should I give you a chance?

  29. What would you do differently if you could relive the last ten years of your life?

2. Leaving Your Job Employers almost always ask why you left or are leaving your job. So be prepared with an explanation of why you are moving. Make sure your reasons are consistent with what previous employers say about you when contacting you for a reference.

  1. Why do you want to change careers?

  2. why were you fired

  3. Why was he fired?

  4. Why did you quit your job?

  5. Why did you quit?

  6. What have you been doing since your last job?

  7. Why were you unemployed?

  8. Why You Should Be Hired

  9. Are you the best candidate for the job?

  10. Why should we hire you?

  11. Why shouldn't we hire him?

  12. What can you bring to this company?

3. Salary One of the most challenging questions to answer during an interview is compensation. Here are the questions and examples of the best answers. Salary questions can be challenging to answer. In some places, employers cannot ask for your salary history.

  1. What was your initial and final payment?

  2. What are your salary expectations?

  3. What salary expectations do you have?

  4. Why would you take a job for less money?

4. Qualifications The most important thing for the interviewers is whether you are qualified for the job. This is what they will ask you to find out. Therefore, when answering, be specific.

  1. What relevant experience do you have?

  2. Are you overqualified for this job?

  3. What can you do better for us than the other candidates for the position?

  4. What part of the job will be the least challenging for you?

  5. What parts of this job do you find most challenging?

  6. What philosophy guides your work?

  7. What strength helps you most to be successful?

  8. Why are you interested in taking a lower-level job?

5. Professional Career Is your work history stable? Has it prepared you for the position you are interviewing for? And do you have gaps in your work history that should be relevant to the company? If not, be prepared to answer questions about what you did when you were off the workforce.

  1. What expectations did you have of the position, and to what extent were they met?

  2. What were your tasks?

  3. What significant challenges and problems did you face?

  4. How did you treat them?

  5. What have you learned from your mistakes?

  6. What did you like or dislike about your previous job? What was more/least rewarding?

  7. What was the most significant success/failure in this position?

6. Starting a Career Be prepared to answer questions about what you did and didn't do right. As with qualification questions, be sure to relate your performance to the employer's requirements.

  1. What is most criticized about you?

  2. What is essential criticism you have received from your boss?

  3. what makes you angry

  4. What problems have you encountered at work? What strategies would you use to motivate your team?

  5. What would you look for in a candidate?

  6. When was the last time you were angry? What happened?

  7. Why weren't you promoted in your previous job? Tell me about something you would have done differently at work.

  8. What kind of work environment do you prefer?

  9. How do you rate success? Describe a difficult work or project situation and how you mastered it. Describe a time when you worked a lot and how you dealt with it.

7. Management and Teamwork Your work style and how you interact with others, including colleagues, supervisors, and customers, are critical to all employers. These are some of the questions employers ask themselves regarding navigating work.

  1. Do you prefer to work in a lonely environment or as part of a team?

  2. Who was your best boss, and who was your worst?

  3. Describe your ideal boss.

  4. What do you expect from a manager?

  5. Have you ever had trouble working with a manager?

  6. How did you fit into the corporate culture?

  7. Describe how you dealt with a problematic employee.

  8. Do you enjoy working in a fast-paced team environment?

  9. Give some examples of teamwork.

8. The New Job and the Company What you know about the company, why you want the job, and what you would do if you were hired are just some of the questions you'll be asked about the job and the employer. Take the time to research the employer before the interview so that you can ask well-founded questions about the job and the company.

  1. How is our company better than your current employer?

  2. What interests you about this job?

  3. What do you know about this company?

  4. What do you know about this company? for sales jobs) Why do you want this job?

  5. Why do you want to work here?

  6. What challenges are you looking for in a position?

  7. What do you see in the first 30 days at work?

  8. Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?

9. About The Future Will you stay if hired, which most employers want to know? All of these questions will gauge your interest in commitment. Prepare yourself to talk about trends in your job and industry.

  1. What are you looking for in your next job?

  2. What is important to you?

  3. What is your professional development plan?

  4. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  5. How do you want to achieve your goals?

  6. What will you do if you don't get this position?

How to Success in a Job Interview: Practical Tips 1. Research the industry and company. An interviewer may ask how you feel about your company's position in its industry, what its competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, and what the best path forward is. For this reason, avoid researching a dozen across different industries. Instead, concentrate your job search on a few initiatives. You can also take a look at our article about "The best online jobs", and consider applying to one of the "Most popular platforms for freelancers" 2. Clarify your "selling points" and why you want the job. Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points, such as B. what makes you the best candidate for the position. Provide an example for each selling point ("I have good communication skills. For example, I persuaded a whole group to…"). And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want the job: including what interests you in it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what skills you must possess. If an interviewer thinks you're not interested in the job, they won't provide it to you, no matter how good you are! 3. Anticipate the interviewer's concerns and reservations. There are always more candidates for positions than vacancies. Therefore, interviewers look for ways to weed out people. First, put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself why they might not want to hire you ("I don't have that," "I'm not that," etc.) Then prepare your defense: "I know you might think I might not be the best choice for this position because of . But you should know that 4. Prepare for the Common Interview Questions listed in this article. if you still do not have any job experience, read the article "Easy ways to get job experience and internship". 5. Align your questions to the interviewer. It's one thing to have a mental answer to a question like "Why should we hire you?" to be prepared. Saying it out loud confidently and convincingly is another challenge. The first time you try it, no matter how clear your thoughts are in your head, you will sound confused and confused! Do it ten more times and say it a lot smoother and articulate. But it would help if you didn't practice when you're "on stage" with a recruiter. 6. Practice before going to the interview. Best way to rehearse? Get two friends and practice interviewing each other in an "everyone" situation: one person acts as an observer, and the "interviewee" gets feedback from both the observer and the "interviewer". ." Do four or five rounds, switching roles. Another idea (but second best) is to record your answer and then play it back to see where you need to improve. Whatever you do, make sure your practice consists of speaking out loud. The examination of your answer in your head will not cut it. 7. Get a hit in the first five minutes. Some studies show that interviewers decide about candidates in the first five minutes of the interview and then spend the rest of the interview looking for things to validate that decision! So what can you do? In those five minutes to get through the door? First, come with energy and enthusiasm and express your appreciation for the interviewer's time. (Remember: She might be meeting a lot of other candidates that day and might be tired from the flight home. So bring some energy! Also, start with a positive comment about the company, like "I was looking forward to meeting . I think is doing a great job in , and I'm excited at the prospect of contributing.

Interview Tips

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